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Re: Yiddish men's love songs - Yale talk

Itzik (or is it Yitzik?)--I wish you'd give this lecture in Boston and/or 
New York!

--Robert Cohen

>               Concerning Yiddish folksongs, men's and womens.
>Though Yiddish love-folksongs are generally a women's genre, there is
>an exception. The love songs of the underworld, thieves songs. this
>category breaks down into two categories, songs of thieves, all men,
>and songs of prostitutes, all women. Many of the thieves songs, take
>womens love songs and adapt them for the man's point of view. An
>interesting phenomenon, and you can hear all about it at  a lecture I
>am giving on "Yiddish folklore of the underworld" at Yale University
>tomorrow, Wed. april 24. at 4:00 at the Romance Languages Lounge. At
>noon , I will give at more informal talk in Yiddish at the Slifka
>Center on Yiddish folklore and nationalism.

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