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Fwd: BOW Workshop in Weiman, Jul 28 - Aug 4

>This summer, from July 28 through August 4, Brave Old World will be 
>conducting an advanced workshop in Weimar, Germany on the subject of klezmer 
>& Yiddish music from Galicia. Zev Feldman will be presenting his research 
>with the last living kapellmeister from that region, Sruli Dresdner will be 
>leading daily singing sessions of little-known nigunim, and of course there 
>will be hands-on instrument, repertoire and ensemble classes. But wait! 
>That's not all! Every evening there will be an open-air music session in a 
>different Weimar café (they're all great), as well a Yiddish film series 
>running parallel to the workshop, and a final open-air concert given by the 
>workshop teachers and students. And to round it all out, Pesakh Fishman will 
>teaching a 3-hour Yiddish class every afternoon.  This will be the first 
>week-long intensive BOW workshop in Europe since 1994, and it promises to be 
>very stimulating as well as just plain a great time.  We'd love to have an 
>international group of participants there, and urge anyone who might be 
>interested to check out the following link:
>Hope to see you there!
>Alan Bern, uravreml (at) aol(dot)com

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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