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RE: songs of peace

Hey....there are so many different types of Arabic people and about the Sufis??? My sister dated a Sufi for awhile..their thing is music, love and peace.

I wouldn't count anybody out. Look at a piece today in the Village Voice about peace protestors in the Israeli Army.

Trudi the G

>From: "Jim Frahm"
>Reply-To: jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
>To: World music from a Jewish slant
>Subject: RE: songs of peace
>Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 05:19:58 +0800
>Are there Arab/Muslim "songs of peace"? Probably - a few. There are a few Arab Muslims in the IDF, a few who assist (at some personal risk) victims of terror attacks, etc. etc. But look at the scientific polls of attitudes and opinions in the Arab "street"... How many CDs would a genuine Arab peacenik sell? How long before they were dragged out and lynched by a mob of their own people?
>It is high time that all of us cease being captives to our own wishful thinking... Face the Truth:
>There are very few "Arabs for Peace" - except for professional dissemblers who generate anti-Israeli propaganda. Their leadership has spent literally *generations* indoctrinating their youth with warped perceptions and attitudes antithetical to coexistence, much less peace. At this point, only the most extraordinary Arab mind and soul would still perceive a case for peace - and then have the unbelievable courage to outspokenly promote it within their own society.
>This is the very crux of our dilemma. Peace cannot be unilateral, and we cannot win Arab Muslim "hearts and minds" until we take charge of the social and political evolution of our otherwise implacable enemy. To do that, just as with the German Nazis and the Imperial Japanese, we must first defeat them unconditionally and then replace their leadership with something which will, for still more generations, teach and promote more humane values.
>My apologies for the politics... and especially to those who will understandably howl and reject my bitter conclusions. But if we are to survive this cancer, we must soon leave the stage of denial.

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