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RE: The Anthology of Jewish Music "Yiddishe Momme"

Hi, List!

FWIW, volumes eight and nine of this series seem to be, well ok, are taken
from previous anthologies issued in the U.S. For example, the Dave Tarras
volume is basically a re-ordering of the Henry Sapoznik's Tarras compilation
on Yazoo, with a couple of things from Klezmer Pioneers thrown in. I suspect
that some (most?) of the other discs have similar "sources." The most
interesting (to me, anyway) would be the first disc which consists of Soviet
Union material. Some of the rest probably comes from Francois Lilienfeld's
collections on Swiss Pan (which, in turn, mostly comes from the YIVO
Archives) and the double cd compilation on Fremeaux (since I don't have
these here, I can't check, but you can).

This seems to be a trend. Anyone have the Goldies three cd box "Klassic
Klezmer?" This is all material lifted off of previous reissues, including
the above mentioned, plus Martin Schwartz's anthology on Folklyric. (The
cover is almost worth the budget price alone: a photo montage of a mosque, a
large menorah and an hasidic gentleman! Not to mention the list of
performers prominently displayed, as if they were MTV stars: "Naftule
Brandwein's Orchestra * Hochman's Orchestra * Belf's Rumanian Orchestra *
Boibriker Kapelle * Abe Schwartz Orchestra * Dave Tarras Trio * and many
others." Certainly all household names where I come from.) Comically, I just
came across another cd on a different label which is basically a "best of"
taken from this collection!!

Klassik indeed. Can't wait for the Sony reissues, can you?

Mr. Lorin Sklamberg, Sound Archivist
YIVO Institute for Jewish Research

15 West 16th Street
New York, NY 10011
Tel. (212) 294-6169
Fax (212) 292-1892
lsklamberg (at) yivo(dot)cjh(dot)org

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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