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The Anthology of Jewish Music "Yiddishe Momme" (volume 4)

Yiddishe Momme 
(Volume IV)


1. Palestine Lidele (Jos Feldman) N.Y., 1923 | 2. Der Rebe Und Die Rebetzen 
(Nellie Casman) N.Y., 1924 | 3. Bei Mir Bist Du Schon (Leo Marjane) Paris, 1938
4. Shirt Tail Stomp (Benny Goodman) N.Y., 1928 | 5. Spielt a Dodridzien (Molly 
Picon) N.Y., 1929 | 6. Tantst Tanst Yidelekh (Abe Schwarts) Varsovie, 1915
7. Purim Scene (Mr. & Miss Gutmann) Berlin, 1910 | 8. Odessa Mama (Aaron 
Lebedeff) N.Y., 1933 | 9. Passach Shin Sha (Maurice Schwartz) Paris, 1920
10. In Indert Johr Erum (Joseph Feldman) N.Y., 1920 | 11. Es Fehlt Ihr Die 
Rozinke (Molly Picon)N.Y., 1923 | 12. Zetz  (Annie Lubin) N.Y., 1942
13. Gefilte Fish (Henry Gerro) Paris, 1928 | 14. Bim-Bam (Victor Chenkine) 
Paris, 1933 | 15. Mazel Tov (Aaron Lebedeff)N.Y., 1928
16. Des Helige Scheider (Maurice Schwartz)Paris, 1924 | 17. Der Rebe Elia 
Melech (Sam Silberbush) Varsovie, 1922

     Satirical and holiday songs occupy a very special place in Jewish music. 
Such melodies as Spielt a Dobridzien,  Mazel Tov, Gefiltefish have became 
musical classics and are known by almost everybody. Some of them accompanied 
wedding ceremonies; others were played during holidays (Purim Scene), while 
some were born in the emigration by recollections about the native towns 
(Odessa Mama).
Represented songs and melodies recorded between 1910-35 and performed by world 
famous, popular artists of the time; Benny Goodman, Nelli Kazman, Molli Pikon, 
Aaron Lebedeff, Moris Schwartz, Anne Lubin, etc.
 In spite of all suffering and troubles that have befallen the Jewish people, 
they have never lost their courage, and these songs are proof of the Jewish 
life-loving way of thinking.



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