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The Anthology of Jewish Music "Yiddishe Momme" (volume 5)

             Yiddishe Momme 
                                 (Volume V)


1. My Yddishe Momme (Sophi Tucker) London, 1928 | 2. Eli Eli (Joseph 
Rosenblatt) N.Y., 1926 | 3. Baal Shem "vigul-nigun" (Joseph Szigeti) N.Y., 1940
4. Es Brent (Emma Schaver) N.Y., 1943 | 5.  Schlof Schein Mein Vogele (Mr. 
Enirbod) Paris, 1933 | 6.  Partisan Song  (Emma Schaver) N.Y., 1943
7. Die Griene Cusiene (Morris Goldstein) N.Y., 1922 | 8. Yenke Ken Nit Kochen 
(Gus Goldstein) N.Y., 1921 | 9.  Medley Fox Trot (Ted Lewis) N.Y., 1923
10.  Sieben Gute Juhr (Julius Guttman) Berlin, 1927 | 11.  National Nora (Abe 
Schwartz) Varsovie, 1920 | 12.  A Brievele Der Mamen (Jacob Lerman) Paris, 1928
13.  Sehr Gut (Iza Kremer) Paris, 1936 | 14.  Recitativ Aus "Sulamith" (Mr. & 
Miss Zuckerberg) Varsovie, 1910 | 15.  Kol Nidrei (Gershon Sirota) London, 1928
16.  Mejerke "L'Enigme Eternelle" (Madeleine Grey) Paris, 1932 | 17.  Yashke 
Fuhrt Avek (Abraham Moskowitz ) Montreal, 1915
18.  Yaale (Joseph & Henry Rosenblatt) N.Y., 1930


     It is no mere chance that we have chosen the title "Jewish songs of memory 
and sorrow". The selected most lyrical compositions and songs in Yiddish 
performed by famous Jewish musicians are here represented. They were recorded 
between 1910-40.
    "My Yddishe Momme> performed by Sophie Tucker is the story of an emigrant, 
the song that has become a legend. For this very reason we thus named our 
ANTHOLOGY. The ghetto songs are here assembled, as well as songs of the 
resistance movement and simply sad compositions about life and history of 
Jewish people.   The names of the singers; Joseph Rosenblat, Moris Goldshtein, 
Abrakham Moskovits, Gershon Sirota, etc. are long ago narrower than steel of 



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