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The Anthology of Jewish Music "Yiddishe Momme" (volume 3)

Yiddishe Momme 
(Volume III)


1.  Chad Gadyo (Moishe Oysher)  2.  The Four Sons (Sephardic song) 
3.  V'hi Sheomdo (Traditional Israeli) 4.  Ha Lachma Anyah (Yehezkel Braun) 
5.  Dayenu (Traditional)  6.  Par'O Era Estrellero (Sephardic song) 
7.   Eliyohu Hanovi (Traditional)  8. Cuando D'Aifto Fueron Salidos (Sephardic 

9. Kadesh Ur'Chatz  - (Babylonian/Sephardic  - Two Versions)

10.  Echod Mi Yodea  - Adir Hu (Traditional Palestinian)

11.  Hayo Haya (Chassidic song)  12.  Hanerot Hallalu (Louis Lewandowski) 

13.   Mi Ze Y'Malel (Sephardic song - Two Versions) 

14.  Maoz Tzur (1- Benedetto Marcello, 2 - German melody; - Two Versions)

15.  Mi Ze Hidlik (Traditional)  16. Lichvod Chanukkah (Traditional) 

17.  Chanukkah, Oy Chanukkah (Chassidic melody) 

18.  I Have A Little Dreydle (Michel Gelbart)

        Every nation has its own unique national holidays and special songs 
devoted to them. No matter what happened the Jews always celebrated Hanukkah 
and Passover.
    Music of these two Jewish holidays, represented here, a kind of eclectic 
compilation from the ancient songs of the Jewish communes in Spain, Greece, 
Near East, Italy, North Africa, England and Holland.
    These songs have been handed down from generation to generation as a part 
of the verbal tradition. Due to the invention of sound recording, they have 
reached us on the old gramophone records, being practically unchanged. The 
holiday synagogue psalms and folk songs are sung here in two languages: in 
Hebrew and in Yiddish that nearly has got out of use. 


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