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The Anthology of Jewish Music "Yiddishe Momme" (volume 1)

Yiddishe Momme 
(Volume I)

1.AlaMbaBa (Intro ) - Aaron Lebedeff  1916 | 2.A Klenichker Vintele - Tatiana 
Waintroub 1936 | 3.S'shit a shney - kapella "Yevokans" 1922
4.Song For  Marriage - orc. "MGOSET" lead. L.Pulver 1934 | 5.Mashke - Zinovi 
Shulmann 1931 | 6.Traditional Melody - J. Kuklis's orc. 1933
7.Die Makhotoniste - Mikhael  Appelbaum 1928 | 8.Triklid - kapella "Yevokans" 
1922 | 9.Sher - M. Rabinovich's orc. 1926
10.Nit Shimele (from "200 000" by Sholom Alayhem) - Solomon Mikhoels 1932 | 
11.Red Army Song - orc. "MGOSET" lead. L.Pulver & T.Khazak (solo) 1934
12.Klezmorimlakh - Mikhael  Appelbaum 1928 | 13.Frailex - Saul Lubimov 1921 | 
14.Kacev - M.Staimann & orc. "MGOSET" lead. L.Pulver 1934
15.Nicht Bachert - Solomon Mikhoels  & orc. "MGOSET" lead. L.Pulver  1932 | 
16.Ai-Ai! - M.Staimann & orc. "MGOSET" lead. L.Pulver  1934
17.Afn Oihn Barg - Solomon Khromchenko, A. Zibcev, M. Fihtengoldz 1932 | 
18.Baragold - M. Rabinovich's orc. 1926
19.Promenade - Mikhael  Appelbaum  1928 | 20.Gopak - V.Jorich's orc. 1923 | 
21.Chabes-Makhen - J. Pundik's cvart. 1914
22.Makhutonim Geyn  - kapella "Yevokans" 1922 | 23.Al ehet - Ober Cantor Jos. 
Basser  1906
24.7-40 - "Zonofone" orc. 1903


          24 compositions, represented here, are very famous songs in Yiddish, 
which have never been reissued. Among them everyday and ritual folk songs:  
Mashke, Die Makhotoniste, Sher, Klezmorimlakh, Baragold, Makhutonim Geyn, etc., 
and some musical fragments of the plays of Moscow State Jewish Theatre.

     In the course of time the names of many authors and performers, who had 
kept the traditions of Jewish musical heritage, were forgotten. And that is why 
the Anthology is going to become a discovery for many listeners and judges of 
this particular kind of music.



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