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Speech by Crown Prince Abdullah Sponsoring Intifada

Speech by Crown Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia 
The speech was notable for its proposal to establish two funds, totalling $1 
billion, to support the Palestinians, and for its criticism of the United 
Excellency, President Hosni Mubarak, Distinguished Leaders,

We meet today representing the aspirations and anguish of our great people. 
And therefore we must be true to the honor of our history and the fulfillment 
of the ambitions of the Arab nation.

I remind you of the trust and responsibility which we all have to bear. We 
must refuse any resolutions that do not bestow honor on its maker. Ideals 
cannot be compromised, and honor cannot tarnish for, only what is of value is 
durable; what is fake is perishable, as stated in the holy Quran "For the 
scum like forth cast out; while that which is for the good for the mankind 
remains on the earth".

Dear Brothers,

In the name of the Almighty, I beseech each and everyone of you to deeply 
search his soul and invoke his noble Arab heritage, to stand united behind 
our people to uphold justice. Our rights are self-evident and clear and 
therefore must devote ourselves to their attainment.

>From this podium, I declare to you and the whole world that the government 
and the people of Saudi Arabia shall not be a party to any decisions that 
overlook the aspirations of our people and that are taken solely for 
absorbing the anger in the Arab world and deflecting us from the attainment 
of our objective.

Mr. President,

If our previous meetings were held in response to critical circumstances, our 
present gathering is different. The situation facing us today is not only 
critical and grave, but carries ominous dangerous warnings that threaten to 
turn the area a new round of violence and instability.

We do face difficult options. But such options are not between a demeaning 
submission, nor an acceptance of a confrontation that is not of our making 
and choosing. The option we must take is the option of standing steadfastly 
and firmly in upholding our principles and legitimate rights. It is the 
option that rejects the imposition of political and military coercion. It is 
the option of independent choice and independent action.

In this regard, permit me, your Excellency, to define what could make up the 
aspects of the position which we must endeavor to adopt in this Summit.

First, our support for our Palestinian brothers, should not only be political 
and moral. It should include all possible means. Accordingly we propose the 
establishment of a special trust under the name of "The Jerusalem Intifada 
Fund" with a capital of 200 million US dollars. This amount will be 
allocated, to the families and the education of the children of the 
Palestinian martyrs who sacrificed their lives in the struggle. We further 
propose the establishment of a fund under the name of "Al-Aqsa Fund" in the 
amount of 800 million dollars, to finance projects that safeguard and 
constantly preserve the Islamic and Arabic identity of Al-Quds (Jerusalem), 
and enabling our Palestinian brothers to stand on their own and release them 
from dependence on Israel. I would like to announce, in the name of the 
custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the people of Saudi Arabia, that the 
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia shall contribute 25% of the amount allocated to these 
two funds.

I would like also to announce that the people of Saudi Arabia, headed by the 
custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, shall undertake to sponsor and support one 
thousand Palestinian families of the martyred and wounded in the Al-Aqsa 

Second, East Jerusalem is an Arab and Islamic cause. It cannot be the object 
of bargaining or abandoned, under any circumstances. It is an integrated part 
of the Arab occupied territories, subject to all relevant Security Council 
resolutions. The responsibility to retain Al-Quds, and the liberation of the 
occupied territories is shared by all of us. There is no hope to undertake 
this role if we do not stand resolutely united, overcome our differences, and 
resist those endeavor to weaken our solidarity by sowing the seeds of 
dissention among us.

Third, the United States of America in its capacity as the sponsor of the 
peace process has a special responsibility for the collapse of this process. 
This is so because sponsorship obligates the sponsor with the duty of 
assuring the appropriateness of the course of the peace process, and to hold 
accountable those responsible for its derailment from the prescribed path.

We have been anticipating after, the positive stand of the Arab side and the 
spirit of commitment demonstrated by them towards the peace process, that the 
Israeli side would be chastised or at least blamed for its intransigence and 
its unacceptable conduct and practices which negate the principles and bases 
of the Madrid peace conference, and violate the terms of the agreements 
concluded with the Palestinian side.

Four, as a response to the Israeli actions and the inability of the world 
community to contain and prevent them, it is only natural to refrain from 
establishing any relations with Israel and the cancellation of any existing 
ties or links that have been established under the umbrella of the peace 
process whose requirements were totally neglected by Israel. As a 
prerequisite to any resumption of the relations, we deem it necessary to 
attain real achievements in the peace process not only on the Palestinian 
track but on all other tracks.

Dear Brothers,

I have to be frank and candid with you, and state what I feel is right, as 
Allah is my witness. I don’t think that any of us shall ever forget as long 
he lives the image of fear and terror portrayed on the innocent face of 
Mohammed Al-Dorra before he took his last breath. I shall never forget what I 
saw in the hospitals of the Kingdom. There, I saw torn bodies, missing eyes, 
and the broken arms and limbs resulting from explosive bullets.

It is incumbent upon me to describe my feelings as obligated by my duty to my 
religion, my country, and the Arab-Islamic nation. If I am wrong, it is my 
fault. If I am right it is by the grace of Allah Almighty.

I conclude this statement, by praying to Allah to guide us to the righteous 
path, and help us to achieve all that is blessed and worthwhile to our Arab 
nation, and bestow upon us guidance and wisdom.

Thank you so much.

Saudi translation supplied to journalists at the conference     
Last revised on 28 March, 2002


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