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Fwd: Fw: Standing With Israel

Not sure if appropriate for this list. Was asked to forward to Jewish lists:

In a message dated 4/3/02 6:50:06 AM Eastern Standard Time, XXXXXXXXXXXX 

 We have been told by our friends in 
 Washington that the White House is receiving very 
 significant numbers of emails protesting 
 President Bush's strong support for Israel. It 
 is of the utmost importance that we show our 
 support for the President's pro-Israel stand. 
 1. Pass this on to all your Jewish and pro-Israel 
 email lists. 
 2. Write a short, personal email to the President 
 -- Have  the Subject line say something like 
 "Thank you for  standing with Israel." 
 President Bush's email address is: 
    president (at) whitehouse(dot)gov 
 (hotlink: mailto:president (at) whitehouse(dot)gov) 
 Every email sent to the White House is read and 
 counted. >>

--- Begin Message ---

We have been told by our friends in 
Washington that the White House is receiving very 
significant numbers of emails protesting 
President Bush's strong support for Israel. It 
is of the utmost importance that we show our 
support for the President's pro-Israel stand. 

1. Pass this on to all your Jewish and pro-Israel 
email lists. 
2. Write a short, personal email to the President 
-- Have  the Subject line say something like 
"Thank you for  standing with Israel." 

President Bush's email address is: 
   president (at) whitehouse(dot)gov 
(hotlink: mailto:president (at) whitehouse(dot)gov) 
Every email sent to the White House is read and 
counted. >>

--- End Message ---

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