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Re: Last Minute CD release Party

on 3/27/02 1:27 PM, DAVID CHEVAN at dchevan (at) snet(dot)net wrote:

> Brain,
> Probably its better to take this off-list but . . .  since you asked
> My web site isn't set up for taking orders.  The CD is already available at
> or you could order it from me directly.  A special deal:
> Pre-orders of the CD from now through the end of April will be sent without
> an extra charge for postage!
> The cost of the CD is $15, check made out to "David Chevan" and sent to:
> David Chevan
> P.O. Box 6183
> Whitneyville, CT 06517
> Happy Peysakh.  Just thinking about the ordeal my gastrointestinal tract is
> about to go through is getting me excited!!
> David

thank you and happy happy pesach!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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