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Last Minute CD release Party

At the last minute . . . the manufacturer's have told us it will be shipping
and to us by Monday so  . . .

Warren Byrd and David Chevan will have an unofficial release party for their
new recording:


8:30 p.m. on Monday, April 1 at the Buttonwood Tree
605 Main Street in Middletown, Connecticut
(860) 347-4957

"rich with the spirit of shared experiences and true brotherhood in its
execution, noble and thought provoking." --Willard Jenkins, jazz critic and

The new CD features Chevan and Byrd with the Afro-Semitic Experience playing
an array of original pieces, sacred music, klezmer, and sacred music by jazz
composers.  The official release date for this recording is April 5, but we
will have albums available at this event.  Please join us if you are
anywhere in the Connecticut area.  Matzo will be served and a freylekhe down
home time will be had by all!!

The Afro-Semitic Experience features an all-star roster of creative
improvisers including:

Will Bartlett: clarinet, flute, and tenor sax
Alvin Carter, Jr.: drums, percussion
Baba David Coleman: congas, percussion
Richard McGhee: soprano and alto saxophone
Mixashawn: tenor sax, voice
Stacy Phillips: dobro, lap steel guitar, violin
Ben Proctor: trumpet

THIS IS THE AFRO-SEMITIC EXPERIENCE is already available from
and will soon be available at CDbaby. If you wish to order copies from the
artists, please contact me directly by e-mail.

Thank you and we hope to see you April 1 at the Buttonwood.

David Chevan, Bassologist
for more info visit my web site located at

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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