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Re: yiddish language decline?

Tayere Lenitshke,

How've you been?  Well, I hope.

This talk of dead yidish really pisses me off.  There are languages that 
have one or two speakers and are not called dead until the last speaker 
dies.  Yidish still has about 2 million, if I'm not mistaken.

I'm interested in the play you mention.  Would you tell me more about it 
and the songs in it?  Have you seen it?

mit frayndshaft,

lenka lichtenberg wrote:

>Regarding the question of DEAD or not:  how do you like the term UNDEAD,
>which is how the main character of Michael Wex's new play, tentatively
>titled "Tongues At Sunset", describes Yiddish...(the play features songs of
>Michel Gelbart, quite dead, apart from his music).(i'll say no more, you'll
>have to come and see for yourselves...)
>                                                               lenka,
>feeling rather lively today
>>........ >I'm a bit surpised that it would be considered "dying" because
>there seems to be so much conscientious effort towards preservation.
>>>isn't it basically dead tho'? ...basically "dead" by the definition of
>"no full society speaks it anymore" if you know what i mean.
>>>a language that isn't ALREADY dead wouldn't NEED "so much conscientious
>effort towards preservation."
>>-yakov (back to transcribing tunes...) chodosh.
>>and now the links actually work!
>>(thanks folks)

You can now hear Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: 
Passover, at: Only $15 & postage. Email me for 
more info.

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