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Re: Original text in Ladino song

I am not a native speaker, but I do understand the song in the original 
language enough to say that the translation
<<May I come to have what they enjoy,
hold and posses so very well!>>
is utter nonsense.

At 10:33 AM 3/18/02, Yoram Gelman wrote:
>List members:
>I am very puzzled by two versions I have of the Ladino song 'Ah el novio
>quere dinero'.
>In Nico Castel's Ladino song book the refrain text in question and its
>translation are:
>'Yo vengo a ver.  Que gozen y
>logren y tengan muncho bien!'
>I've come to see!  May they have joy
>and prosper and always be happy!
>(If there is a typo in "muncho" it's in the published text.)
>On the 4 CD set 'The Separdic Experience' by The Rennaissance Players
>(which, by the way, I find both interesting and beautiful) the text and
>translation are:
>'Yo vengo aver que gozen y
>logren y tengan mucho bien!'
>May I come to have what they enjoy,
>hold and posses so very well!
>Can someone who understands the song in the original language please
>comment on these?  That is, some native speaker rather than someone who
>collected the song and then pieced together the syllables to form words
>and sentences.
>There are also differences in the translation of the remaining text, but
>the Ladino is the same.  Perhaps someone would be kind enough to offer a
>complete translation.
>Thanks in advance,
>Yoram Gelman

Cantor Sam Weiss === Jewish Community Center of Paramus, NJ

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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