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Original text in Ladino song

List members:

I am very puzzled by two versions I have of the Ladino song 'Ah el novio
quere dinero'.  

In Nico Castel's Ladino song book the refrain text in question and its
translation are:

'Yo vengo a ver.  Que gozen y
logren y tengan muncho bien!'

I've come to see!  May they have joy
and prosper and always be happy!

(If there is a typo in "muncho" it's in the published text.)

On the 4 CD set 'The Separdic Experience' by The Rennaissance Players
(which, by the way, I find both interesting and beautiful) the text and
translation are:

'Yo vengo aver que gozen y
logren y tengan mucho bien!'

May I come to have what they enjoy, 
hold and posses so very well!

Can someone who understands the song in the original language please
comment on these?  That is, some native speaker rather than someone who
collected the song and then pieced together the syllables to form words
and sentences.  

There are also differences in the translation of the remaining text, but
the Ladino is the same.  Perhaps someone would be kind enough to offer a
complete translation.

Thanks in advance,
Yoram Gelman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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