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Re: link: How to Sound Like a Geezer

Gee, Terry, I was being nasty.  According to Cohen, that's one
requirement.  Lets see, I've been hard drinking in the past, and
I used to smoke 4 packs of non-filters a day.  

I don't know if eating meat on Shabbos is good enough though.

> r l reid writes:
> > I think it is an incredibly offensive diatribe, but I think that
> > was the point.
> What exactly do you find "incredibly offensive" about it?  I liked what he had
> to say; it jives with my own take on modern klezmer, he had excellent advice
> for people looking to learn the style, and he praised all the best bands while
> scrupulously avoiding sounding self-serving.  All in all, it was a 
> refreshingly
> frank and straight shooting analysis of klezmer.  Thanks to Inna Barmash for
> including this link (I reproduce it here for those who missed it):
> > Thank God, in my limited experience ther are a lot of other
> > expressions out there.  There are some very sweet people who
> > don't make a romatitcised, petty bourgiouse aping of thier
> > idea of the lumpenproletariat a "gospel".
> Can you explain this?  I can't understand a single word of this paragraph.

It makes about as much sense as his strutting and posing.

Nuff said, and I could care less....

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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