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Re: link: How to Sound Like a Geezer

r l reid writes:

> I think it is an incredibly offensive diatribe, but I think that
> was the point.

What exactly do you find "incredibly offensive" about it?  I liked what he had
to say; it jives with my own take on modern klezmer, he had excellent advice
for people looking to learn the style, and he praised all the best bands while
scrupulously avoiding sounding self-serving.  All in all, it was a refreshingly
frank and straight shooting analysis of klezmer.  Thanks to Inna Barmash for
including this link (I reproduce it here for those who missed it):

> Thank God, in my limited experience ther are a lot of other
> expressions out there.  There are some very sweet people who
> don't make a romatitcised, petty bourgiouse aping of thier
> idea of the lumpenproletariat a "gospel".

Can you explain this?  I can't understand a single word of this paragraph.

> I very much enjoy his/thier playing and would go to great lengths
> to hear thier music, however.  

I'm relieved to hear you say this.  I have found a lot of inspiration in Di
naye kapelye's music; it resonates for me, and I can imagine my ancestors
dancing to such music at week-long wedding parties in their little villages,
whereas many of the other modern bands are producing a kind of slick, smooth
listening music that is wonderful in its own way but doesn't make me want to

...just my own opinions.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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