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Steven Greenman Klezmer String Workshop and concert

Yesterday afternoon was the culmination of Steven Greenman's workshop, 
sponsored by the Louis E. Emsheimer Artist in Residence Program, which 
was announced on the list earlier.  Steven gave a lecture about the 
music and then the participants gave a concert of rarely performed 
virtuosic pieces.  There were 8 violins, a viola, a cellist and Peter 
Rushefsky as the ringer on tsimbl.  A lovely presentation!  Steven did a 
wonderful job with these musicians, all of which (except for Pete) are 
students and had never played klezmer before.  It is wonderful to have 
so many Jewish events happening here in Cleveland at the same time.  I 
just wish I could learn how to be two places at once.

Pete, it was good to see you again.


Lori's new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Vol.1: Passover, is 
available! All Yiddish, all Passover! Great music, fun songs, famous musicians! 
Only $15 & postage. Email me for more info.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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