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Re: Back from the river

In a message dated 2/3/02 4:31:21 AM, lucy (at) cix(dot)compulink(dot)co(dot)uk 

<< Arye Laish's Nigun (which Adrianne kindly sent me) is meant to be sung 
walking back (or was it backwards?) from a river. What is the significance of
Lucy Fisher >>

I believe it was explained to us that, while walking backwards, facing the 
sunset, and acknowledging therefore the sun setting and not turning our back 
on it, we were welcoming the coming of Shabbat. It was out of respect, it 
seemed, for the end of the week, not turning your back on the sun setting.  
I'm sure Itzik had a little more to say but that seemed to be the general 
idea. Anyone else have more? I must admit I didn't hear everything that was 
said about it when we "did" it at Klezkanada.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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