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hi, for anyone in the Atlanta Georgia area, Tamar and I are singing at
Emory University, Fellowship Hall, Glenn Memorial Church school building
on N. Decatur Road, Sat. Feb. 23 at 8pm, free admission; Friday 22nd I
will give a talk on Sephardic music at Emory , at 1:00 pm (don't know
where), and Thurs. Feb21a talk, but on medieval music rather than Jewish
music, with relation to early Romance languages, (well, I'll sneak in a
bit of Judeo-Spanish) , at Univ.of Georgia in Athens (Romance languages at
noon, music dept at 5pm).

And for those of you in Brussels, I'm performing there for a "Three
Cultures of 13th Century Spain" festival; my gig's on April 25, in the
Museum of Instruments. Oh, and possibly a small house concert in AMsterdam
or The Hague April 22 but this is pretty uncertain.
cheers, J

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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