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Lorele's new CD!!!!!!!!!! Songs My Bubbe Should Have Taught Me; Volume One: Passover

Whose favorite holiday is peysakh?

Dear Friends, 

Available as of February 4th!

I am absolutely thrilled to tell you that my new CD, Songs My Bubbe Should
Have Taught Me; Volume One: Passover, featuring Lori Cahan-Simon, Steven
Greenman, Michael Alpert and friends is ready to go.

It is a gorgeous compilation of all Yiddish Passover songs.  Five of these 
songs have never been recorded before, including Michael Alpert singing the 
Matzo-baking song, a capella.

Itzik Gottesman, associate editor of the Yiddish Forward and list member,

"Lori Cahan-Simon has done us a great service by bringing these songs
together on one recording."

My hope is that you will learn some and add them to your family seder and
teach them to everyone. 

I'll be selling them for the bargain price of $15 plus $2.50 for shipping.  Let
me know if you want one.  I know you'll love it!

Your friend,

Most of the songs in this collection are from the secular Hagadahs of the
Yiddish school systems in America, the Workmens Circle Schools, the Sholem
Aleichem Schools, and the Labor-Zionist Farband Schools. By the 1930s, all
three had extensive branches throughout the United States and thousands of
students who attended those afternoon schools now remember these songs
fondly, though most have not been recorded. The poets and composers of these
songs include among the finest that the Yiddish cultural world in general,
and the Yiddish folkshul world in particular, has produced: the poets Mani
Leib, Avrom Reisin, Dovid Edelshtadt and Yisroel Goichberg, and the
composers Lazar Weiner, Shmuel Bugatch, and Mikhl Gelbart.  --Itzik Gottesman

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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