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Re: kohen/levi/yisroel

> > I don't know what my musical family was on either side, unfortunately (
> > interesting stories, though), so we claim Yisroel.

A friend of mine has lived with a non-Jewish guy for many years.  (By know, 
he probably knows more than many Jews {sigh} and has probably been to more 
services as well {ditto}.)  Anyway, they were (not untypically, i.e.) in a 
new shul once, visiting out of town, and the gabbai approached her guy and 
asked him if he was a kohen or levi (i.e., seeing same for aliyot to the 
Torah).  He said no, and the gabbai replied, "So you're just a regular guy, 
I guess."  To which my friend's friend responded, "More regular than you 

--Robert Cohen

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