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Yes, that's the basic joke as I know it.  Here's my version:

To make a long story short:

Man went to rabbi.  "I want to be a Cohen."
Rabbi:  You can't just become a Cohen.
Man:  I really want to be a Cohen.  Look and see if there's some loophole.
Rabbi: I don't think there is one.
Man: I'll tell you what, I'll donate $100,000 to the building fund if 
you can find one.
Rabbi:  I'll see what I can do.

Some time later after the man's Bar Cohen ceremony:
Man:  I can't thank you enough, Rabbi.
Rabbi:  Can you tell me why you wanted so badly to be a Cohen?
Man:  Well, Rabbi, my grandfather was a Cohen, my father was a Cohen, so 
I wanted to be a Cohen, too.

comapok wrote:

> Dear Lorele:
> I dont know if this is the jock about cohen you wanted.
> a man get in shul very excited and ask the rebe that he needs to be a 
> cohen, the rebe explains him he can not make him cohen, the man offers 
> him 250,000 even 500,000 dolars but the rob must do it. The rebe 
> looking how anxious he is. ask him what for he wants to be cohen and the
> man tells him: my father was cohen, my grandfather was cohen, my grand 
> grandfather was cohen, so I want also be cohen.
> Sorry for my poor english, I hope you can correct it and fix it,  
> Abraham Pupko
> Mexico city

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