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Lorele's appearances

February 10th, Sunday -- The Workmen's Circle Klezmer Orchestra, 
featuring Lori Cahan-Simon (dat's me!) on vocals, will be playing in the 
Great Lakes Science Center lobby.
Two shows:  1pm and 3pm.
Don't miss the biggest klez orch in the world!

I'll be singing something and somewhere with somebody at Shaker Square 
in Cleveland on Valentine's Day evening, February 14th.

February 24th, Sunday -- Erik Bendix will be leading an all day Yiddish 
dance workshop, 9:30 am - 3:30 pm, at the Workmen's Circle building in 
Cleveland, Ohio.  Only $5!!!  Call (216) 381-4515 to make your 
reservation as space is limited.  All ages welcome.  Bring your 
instrument and help us make live music to dance to.  I already know of a 
violin, trombone or two, sax/clarinet that will be there.  Bring your 
Kammen book, if you have one, and your dancing shoes!

Hope to see you there!

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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