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tsimbl and pronoun abuse among us khakhomim

You wrote the following:
"Az mir vil shlogn a tsimbl, gefintmin a shtekn"
to which one must respond:
"az dir vil shlogn a tsimbl, darf es gefinen a shtekn mit vos dir tsu derlangen"
[if a tsimbl-zither wants to hit you, it has to find a stick with which to give 
you "what for"]

In your post on "kol isha" and Miram's singing, you got your Hebrew feminine 
and masculine plural pronouns right, but in your "signature quote" you messed 
up your Yiddish impersonal pronouns ('men' meaning 'one' and no relation to the 
English masculine noun). 

You probably meant to say 
"az men vil shlogn a tsimbl, gefint men a shtekn."
[If one wants to hit a tsimbl, one finds a stick]

With all this talk of beating with sticks (as in khad gadyo) and of Miriam 
singing and dancing, it might as well be pesakh. So, in that spirit,
afilu kulanu khakhomim, we can always stand to have already well-known Jewish 
information repeated so that we can ensure that it is still widely well known.  


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