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Re: Copyright Law and Jewish Law

I try to let the Bar Mitzvah and wedding clients pay for my groceries.  I let 
small filmmakers use our music for soundtracks in exchange for complete 
credits (including our web address) and a VHS copy.  Besides, the PR, I feel 
it's an honor to be featured in someone else's art.
Life is short, and any publicity is better than obscurity!

-Lori, lost in the Midwest

In a message dated 1/9/2002 6:04:49 AM Central Standard Time, 
amrocks (at) optushome(dot)com(dot)au writes:

> The band was recently asked by a local film maker if we would permit the use 
> of small section of one of our recordings.  Unfortunately the film was a 
> low budget thing and no payment could be made for the use of our track.
> My answer...
> When that film maker can find me a supermarket where I can buy my groceries 
> free of charge, a doctor who will see me and my family gratis, and a petrol 
> (gas) station that doesn't charge for me to fill my tank, then he can have 
> the fruits of my labour free!

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