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Re: Dancing

In a message dated 1/2/2002 8:43:17 PM Central Standard Time, 
tradmusic (at) earthlink(dot)net writes:

> As a musician who plays often for dancing, I was going to say in response to
> earlier parts of this thread that lack of knowledge of the dances affects
> the music and the musicians, not just the dancers. For instance, I wouldn't
> know if I was playing the sher incorrectly if no one knew the dance. 
> There's
> nothing like playing for dancers who are doing traditional dance, to really
> 'get' the music.

This applies to all kinds of dancing.  Every wedding band musician should 
have to dance one cha-cha, waltz, foxtrot, swing dance, etc. till they 
understand that making it go too fast is not helpful!  (Sometime even Zemer 
Atik spins out of control till it looks like the bunny hop.

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