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nokh a bisl, nokh a sakh

Thanks to Cantor Sam Weiss for continuing to enrich our  
understanding of traditional Jewish music.  I am always
glad to read his postings.

More about "Nokh a Bisl":  Di Naye Kapelye (the Budapest-
based ensemble with which I perform) recorded this tune 
on our first CD as part of a medley of Satmar nigunim.

Over the years, I've found several other recordings that
contain this melody.

* "Asara-n Gradina," sung in Romanian by Svetozar Unc and
  featuring an ocarina (!) solo by Zsolt Balint and cimbalom 
  solo by Kalman Balogh (Joel Rubin Jewish Music Ensemble).

* "Csardas from Spisz", performed by a village band from
  southern Poland, with a very rough-hewn fiddle lead -
  available on the compilation CD "Music des Carpates 
  Orientales," produced by Ferenc Kiss of the Odessa Klezmer
  Band and distributed by Quintana/Harmonia Mundi.

* Abe Brumberg's delightful Russian version of "Poor Chaim," 
  on a record from the late 1970s. (Is this available on CD?)

Others, anyone?

Jack (Yankl) Falk
"The Yiddish Hour" (KBOO-FM)
Portland, Oregon

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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