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Re: Levy recording

Thanks, Judith. The review came in La Lettre Sepharade. I'll FAX or 
mail  it to you separately and perhaps you can share high points with the 

I'm baffled by the lack of documenation, since the review (again, according 
to my shaky French) mentions Koen-Sarano working for a year on a booklet in 
Hebrew and Ladino (with an English summary for the mono-lingual English 
speakers amongst us) going over each song, performer, etc.

Shabbat shalom,


At 06:32 AM 12/7/2001 -0500, you wrote:
>Hi, the Levy 2-CD set, to answer Joel's question, is almost all Levy
>himself: Cohava sings 6 siongs, and his daughter and Y. Aharoni each
>sing only the women's part of a dialogue song, one each, so the
>attribution is a little misleading.
>Besides the "classic Ladino hits", there are a number of liturgical and
>semi-liturgical songs in Hebrew (Solly from Gerineldo who was over
>yesterday, commented on the inappropriate placing of a wedding song and
>a Tisha be'Av lament on adjacent tracks!) and children's songs in
>It's great to have these re-issues of Levy's singing of course.
>BUT there is NO DOCUMENTATION. No commentary. No anything except the
>list of titles and a brief note. No discussion or even mention of how
>these recordings and Levy's pub;ications, broadcasts, etc., influenced
>Judeo-Spanish song so crucially. The editors and publisher have missed a
>fantastic opportunity, I think.
>best, Judith (where was the French language review, Joel?)

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

Home Office:    781-862-4104
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Reflections on Sept. 11, 2001 at:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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