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Levy recording

Hi, the Levy 2-CD set, to answer Joel's question, is almost all Levy
himself: Cohava sings 6 siongs, and his daughter and Y. Aharoni each
sing only the women's part of a dialogue song, one each, so the
attribution is a little misleading.
Besides the "classic Ladino hits", there are a number of liturgical and
semi-liturgical songs in Hebrew (Solly from Gerineldo who was over
yesterday, commented on the inappropriate placing of a wedding song and
a Tisha be'Av lament on adjacent tracks!) and children's songs in
It's great to have these re-issues of Levy's singing of course. 
BUT there is NO DOCUMENTATION. No commentary. No anything except the
list of titles and a brief note. No discussion or even mention of how
these recordings and Levy's pub;ications, broadcasts, etc., influenced
Judeo-Spanish song so crucially. The editors and publisher have missed a
fantastic opportunity, I think. 
best, Judith (where was the French language review, Joel?)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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