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Slightly OT: Klezmer Kartoons and artwork available

Hello everyone!

Please forgive my shameless self-promotion, but it's only for the love 
of what I do that I'm offering and I'll make it quick...
I'm a character designer/artist who is currently unemployed, but when 
I'm not looking for more work (especially now, during the holidays -  
hiring surely won't pick up until January) I have a lot of free time to 
develop new characters and artwork.  If there is anyone out there 
looking for some Jewish/Klezmer related art to be done, I'd love to take 
a crack at it! :)  I would not be charging for the work.  It's the 
exposure that is more important to me and the sheer love of doing it as 
my motivation.  All I ask is that I have enough time to research and 
complete the work.
 To give you an idea, I worked 3 years on Disney animated films, so I 
have something of that sort of style to my natural artwork, although 
I've also got a more cartoony flat style if needed.
Please email me if you would like to see a few jpegs of my work.  I'd be 
happy to send it on over and maybe collaborate on a project with you.

Thank you for your patience,
Jill Friemark

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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