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Fwd: Request for world music

Note the request for Israeli folk dance music. Please contact Holt, 
Rinehart, etc. off-list if interested.



>              <SEM-L (at) indiana(dot)edu>
>From: lissa_anderson (at) HRW(dot)COM
>Subject:      Request for world music
>To Members of the Society for Ethnomusicology:
>I am an editor at Holt, Rinehart and Winston, a major textbook publisher.
>We want to create a music of the world audio CD to accompany our world
>geography and world history programs. Our plan had been to use source
>material from Smithsonian Folkways. However, their records were incomplete
>and our permissions editors were not satisfied that they indeed controlled
>the rights to many of their selections. So, in the interests of permissions
>clarity and authenticity, we have decided to invite ethnomusicologists to
>participate directly in this project.
>Would you be interested in submitting recordings for inclusion on the CD?
>These should be recordings that you have made in the field at live events
>to which you the SEM member control the rights or which you know are
>traditional and therefore in the public domain. The circumstances of the
>recordings and the artists would be treated with utmost respect. In
>addition, I would welcome your written commentary on the music for
>incorporation into a teacher's guide. Holt, Rinehart and Winston would pay
>a usage fee for each selection used. Publication on our CD would not
>prohibit any other purpose for which you the supplier or the original
>artist might want to use the musical selection. Our permissions department
>and I will bend over backward to ensure your satisfaction with this
>In order to match the arrangement of our world geography book, I would like
>to have 24 tracks on the CD, for a total of 73 minutes. I would consider
>reducing the number of regions by consolidating several, but I want to go
>ahead and solicit material for specific regions. In fact, because a great
>deal of research has already been completed, I'd like to ask for specific
>genres. For example, I'd like to have dastgah music from Iran and Andean
>flute music from South America. A list of these regions and genres follows.
>This specificity may not be feasible. I'm open to your suggestions.
>SEM members may submit these items to me:
>      the recording, on audiocassette or CD
>      the selection's title
>      name(s) of the artist(s), if known, or a description of the group if
>      individual names are not available
>      description of the genre, instruments, vocal style, performance event,
>      or any additional information that you feel is necessary for the
>      understanding and appreciation of the music
>      statement about whether you control the recording rights and if it is
>      in the public domain
>Once I have reviewed the selection(s), we will determine if they are
>appropriate for our purposes and will forward the material to the HRW
>Permissions Department. The permissions editors will then send a formal
>request letter seeking permission to use the selction on our CD. They will
>also be the contact people for discussions regarding fees and
>Please feel free to call me at 512-721-7872 or e-mail me at
>lissa_anderson (at) hrw(dot)com with questions. I look forward to hearing from 
>Lissa Anderson
>Social Studies Department
>Holt, Rinehart and Winston
>10801-3 North MoPac Expwy.
>Austin, Texas 78759
>Music of the World Audio CD Program -
>Preliminary Table of Contents
>The United States
>    Dixieland jazz
>    songs of the voyageurs of French Canada
>    mariachi music
>Central America and the Caribbean
>    Caribbean steel band
>South America
>    Andean flute music
>Northern and Western Europe
>    Celtic songs of Ireland
>Central Europe
>    Hungarian dance music
>Southern Europe and the Balkans
>    flamenco music of Spain
>Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus
>    folksong by Russian men's or women's chorus
>Central Asia
>    traditional music that shows Persian and Arabic influences
>The Persian Gulf and Interior Southwest Asia
>    dastgah music of Iran
>The Eastern Mediterranean
>    Israeli folk dance
>North Africa
>    Arabic songs of Egypt
>West and Central Africa
>    music of the Congo basin, including drumming
>East Africa
>    music of the Kuria, Gusii, or Masai of Kenya
>Southern Africa
>    traditional a cappella choral singing, with harmony
>    ragas
>Indian Perimeter
>    music of the Gaines of Nepal
>China, Mongolia, and Taiwan
>    Beijing opera
>Japan and the Koreas
>    music of the koto, shakuhachi, or samisen
>Mainland Southeast Asia
>    music of Vietnamese highland peoples
>Island Southeast Asia
>    gamelan music of Bali
>Australia and New Zealand
>    didjeridu music of Australia
>The Pacific Islands
>      traditional dance music of Samoa

Joel Bresler
250 E. Emerson Rd.
Lexington, MA 02420 USA

Home Office:    781-862-4104
FAX:            781-862-0498
Email:          joel(dot)br (at) verizon(dot)net
Reflections on Sept. 11, 2001 at:

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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