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RE: Dylan or Donovan?

Well it took him six years just to go and have it fixed.  It's fixed for a 
year now.  But Seth, we have this vast Yiddish/Jewish/Opera record 
collection.  Our son grew up on our Tom Lehrer record every night since age 
3.  (I guess that explains why he is the editor-in-chief of his college 
humor paper.)  Our almost 15 year-old daughter knows all the Tom Lehrer 
songs only from her brother and never heard the real thing herself.  I 
think this is severe childhood deprivation.  And then there all the other 
wonderful Yiddish and American folk records of every sort.  OY

BTW, is Tom Lehrer Jewish?


From:  Seth Rogovoy [SMTP:rogovoy (at) berkshire(dot)net]
Sent:  Thursday, November 08, 2001 1:00 PM
To:  World music from a Jewish slant
Subject:  RE: Dylan or Donovan?

> Can you please ask my husband to re-connect the record player to the
> stereo?  Ten years ago is about the last time we could listen to LP's in
> this house.

sure, and when he's done reconnecting yours he can come over and reconnect
mine! (disconnected for about a year, but not used in about 10....)


---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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