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RE: Jewish music LPs


>Shame on you non-LP listeners of Jewish Music! You're missing out on
>more than half the music that's out there. Most of the old stuff will
>never come out on CD .

Yes, you are right.  But please tell it to Josh, not me.   He should be 
ashamed of himself. :)   Right now, the only music he cares about is the 
music in his own head.  Between cleaning up the basement, putting up a 
picture moulding in the hallway, and fixing the record player, I don't know 
what to nag him about first.  The guy just sits and writes gorgeous new 
Yiddish music every free minute he has, the creative juices just pour out 
of him, and he just can't stop himself.  He can't be bothered with such 
"mundane" problems.  We have hundreds of Jewish LP's in one closet.  If I 
could copy them all on our new CD-ROM writer, I would gain a terrific 
closet made of cherry wood.  I definitely could use another closet.  Yah, 
go tell him off. :)   After that, I have another job for you.  Please try 
to convince him to re-stage his brilliant, original "Galinka" musical with 
the brilliant original lyrics Boiberik kids continue to passionately sing 
for the last 29 years.  You performed in it and you know it so well.


BTW, most people don't know that Josh has been subscribed to this list 
since May and does read the mail every day.  (His e-mail address is 
josh (at) waletzky(dot)com(dot))  The guy knows everything there is to know 
Yiddish music and knows lyrics to at least 1200 Yiddish songs.  But don't 
bother him until he cleans the basement.  I am waiting only six years on 
that one.  :)

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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