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Leonard Cohen & Cantorial recordings

In a message dated 11/3/1 9:07:46 PM, SamWeiss (at) bellatlantic(dot)net writes:

<< This is probably the most promising news that I've heard regarding the 
current popularity of cantorial music.  Make that the =only= promising news 
I've heard.>>

Cantorial music is not as "dead" as many might think.  During it's heyday, 
"Klezmer" was the rage, however, "Yiddish" was our #1 category, Klezmer #2, 
Cantorial, #3 
 "Ladino" #4.  At this time, Cantorial CDs outsell "Klezmer" by 4 to1 at 
Hatikvah.  The "old masters" have never stopped selling: Rosenblatt, 
Koussevitsky, Hershman, Waldman, Sirota and all the other wonderful cantors 
of the Golden Age. 

We don't carry many recordings by contemporary cantors, and those few ha we 
do carry are generally specialty (imported) recordings; "Jewish Ethiopian 
Liturgy", "Diwan from Yemen", "Jewish Music form Jerba" and others, that are 
generally not stocked by other dealers because they are not "big sellers."

"Yiddish" is still our #1 selling category, "Ladino" is a VERY strong #2 (and 
getting stronger), Cantorial #3, and Klezmer is #4.

Will there ever be a revival of cantorial music as great as the Klezmer 
revival...I doubt it, however, the is a new audience for these classic 
recordings, and NOT just from "the old folks" or Seminary students. A lot of 
the younger buyers are not even Jewish!!! 

<<My only concern is that Mr. (Leonard) Cohen may actually be consuming these 
(Cantorial) recordings in some sinister occult ritual that I have trouble 

You're right about that...he LISTENS the them!!
Hatikvah Music

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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