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Re the broken string of (uncultured) pearls

El and Simon:                                                        
Excuse me? apikoyros (at) juno(dot)com (that's me) is NOT the one 
who came up with those "innovative" lyrics for Shnirele Perele.
Michel and his "Hotegezugt" band did. Please address your 
comments to them and the "palestinenish", not me.

I couldn't begin to enumerate all the categories and levels 
of my objections to what that band did and how they did it. 
Rather than belabor the issue, I restricted myself to the 
following pun as a (deceptively) gentle comment on those 
lyrics: "Ma Yofis"; was my comment, perhaps, not understood? 

I'll grant that the band may have meant well and that you, El and
Simon, may have merely been careless in your editing of your replies. 

For the record, my advice to performers who feel moved to make
changes to a traditional folk-like song is, if they must, to make them 
carefully, using correct, idiomatic language and content that fits well
structurally and thematically with the original. Otherwise, a general 
rule for such material should be to stick as closely as possible to the


On Sun, 4 Nov 2001 15:22:29 EST Klezcorner (at) aol(dot)com writes:
> In a message dated 11/4/1 5:55:51 AM, apikoyros (at) juno(dot)com writes:
> ... weln di yidn in erets isroel mit ir'n palestinenishen brider 
> kol sof in sholen lebn"  Any (gentle) comments?

 No, NOT gentle ones. 

On Sun, 4 Nov 2001 14:02:55 EST Elrosen (at) aol(dot)com writes:
> In a message dated 11/4/2001 8:55:03 AM Eastern Standard Time, 
> apikoyros (at) juno(dot)com writes:
> Any (gentle) comments? 
> I have one. Music and politics should not mix. ;-)
> Elie

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