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back in NYC, Nov26

hi, sorry for the group message. We're coming back to NYC, or at least I
am; Tamar will decide closer to the date, depending on schoolwork etc.
For the closing event of the Portugal and the Jews series, the
Port~uguese Tourist Office has invited us back; it will be Monday
evening November 26th at Shearit Israel, at 7:30 pm; first with a
lecture by someone else on Dona Gracia Nasi. It's FREE!! 
2 W70th St (near CPW), info 212 2946170, rsvp there or to
sephardichouse (at) cjh(dot)org
nb The flyer says, wine compliments of ABravanel (ancient Sephardic
family) Wines, it says, and refreshments from Le Marais (old Paris
Jewish Quarter) Restaurant.I think that's why they want the RSVP's.

Monday afternoon 26th, I'm giving a workshop on Judeo-Spanish songs at
NYU (Judaic Studies)

Hope to see some of you while I'm in NYC (probably Saturday 24-Tuesday
evening 27th; the 28th I'll be giving a concert/talk for Hillel/Jewish
Studies at Ithaca U.,and maybe at Cornell Medieval Studies, if anyone
besides Aron is in Ithaca).

cheers, Judith

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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