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Yiddish dance workshop with Erik Bendix


I'm so exhilarated!  We had a wonderful time in our first Yiddish dance
workshop at the Cleveland Workmen's Circle this afternoon.  Erik is a
very good and clear teacher, as well as very informative.  The dances
felt so natural and it was a joy to put the proper movements to the
tunes we know so well.

The music we call Klezmer has become mostly a listening genre, whereas
originally we all danced to the music.  I am happy to be a part of the
movement to put the movement back in the music.

This was just the first of a series of classes, times to be arranged
soon, that I hope will culminate in dancing to live musicians.  I have
this wild dream of staging a mock old world wedding to enjoy with music,
dancing, a sude, you name it!

Please come to Cleveland and join us for our next incursion "Forward
into the Past"!

mit a yidishn grus,

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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