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Re: Yiddish dance workshop with Erik Bendix

I always found it rather annoying that in our center of yidishkayt here in
Cleveland we could only get Israeli dance teachers.  I knew there had to be
something else and found it.  Let's make the event happen!

Helen Winkler wrote:

> I agree that these dances are a lot of fun to do and very user friendly.  I
> think it could be very interesting to build a dance event around a
> traditional 19th century Jewish wedding.  Most people who do Jewish dance
> are only aware of Israeli dance and have no knowledge that there ever was
> such a thing as Eastern European Jewish folk dancing.  A major workshop like
> that might attract dance leaders and could go a long way to promote the
> dance form within the community.
> Helen
> Helen Winkler
> winklerh (at) hotmail(dot)com
> Helen's Yiddish Dance Page
> Calgary Folkdance Fridays

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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