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Unique Arts Institute Offered in Spring


I would like to share an opportunity with the list that might be of interest.

Bezalel 2002: A Weekend of the Jewish Arts
with:   David Dassa, Linda Hirschorn, Frank London, 
Danny Maseng, and Craig Taubman

March 15-17, 2002
Brandeis-Bardin Institute 
 Simi Valley, CA

Bezalel 2002 is a magical weekend celebration of Jewish music, dance, 
drama and art.  The program is designed for those seeking a more 
in-depth exploration of their Judaism through the arts.  Nationally 
recognized specialists in Ashkenazic and Sephardic cultures will 
guide us through this exciting program. Bezalel is unique in that it will not 
only help people connect with one another but also inspire new work. 

The program will include a special arts festival open to the community on 
Saturday evening featuring The Klezmatics,  Danny Maseng, Craig  Taubman 
and Vocolot. 

Weekend Enrollment is limited to 80 people.

Costs: $275 per person (double occupancy).  Add $125 for single 

More information or an application:

    The Brandeis-Bardin Institue
    1101 Peppertree Lane
    Brandeis, CA 93064

    phone:  805-582-4450
    fax:    805-526-1398
    e-mail: info (at) thebbi(dot)org

Visit us online at

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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