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Yitzak and the Pussycats

Just thought thought the list would be interested to know that I've just 
discovered where Josie got the name for her band.  It turns out Yitzak from the 
shtetl of Kelme actually had it first (see yizkor book excerpt below).
Kelme - An Uprooted Tree 
55°38' / 22°56' 
Translation of  Kelm - 'Ets Karut 

A particularly interesting profession was that of the klezmer, that is of the 
Jewish musicians. They were a part of every wedding in Kelem, whether it be a 
wedding of the rich or of the poor. The instruments they played were the 
violin, guitar, bass violin, and drums. Yitzak the musician (Itzak der 
musician) and his brothers were known by the name of der Ketzelach (the 

Helen Winkler
winklerh (at) hotmail(dot)com
Helen's Yiddish Dance Page
Calgary Folkdance Fridays

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