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Re: Doina

I am curious as to what a "Doina" sounds like.  Does
anybody have any links to any Doina mp3's one could


--- Tim Meyen <tim (at) topic(dot)com(dot)au> wrote:
> This reminded me of a doina question I've got.
> Almost all recordings of 'Jewish' doinas end with a
> faster dance piece,
> even if they only have time for a few bars, the
> musicians seem almost
> obliged to fit this in.  Recordings of Romanian
> (usually gypsy)
> musicians playing doinas frequently don't end with a
> faster piece.  Is
> this a specific characteristic of Jewish
> doina-playing, or of the the
> types of doina adopted by Jews ('Doina Oltului' was
> suggested by Paul
> Gifford in earlier doina discussions)? Or is it
> because most of my
> Romanian doina recordings are more recent than
> klezmer doina recordings?
> Tim Meyen
> ---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org
> ---------------------+

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