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L'shana Tova

On this Rosh Hashana we have to take into concideration what is written in

... he (man) is likend to a broken shard, withering grass, a fading flower,
a passing shade,
a dissipating cloud, a blowing wind, flying dust, and a fleeting dream.
(from Mussaf)

... and all wickedness will be evaporate like smoke,
    when You will remove evil's domination from the earth. (Shacharis)

and hopefully we'll pray:

... that You bring us up in gladness to our land and plant us within our

Shana Tova

Moshe Berlin

 Sulam     -    Klezmer music from the Land of Israel
P.O Box 331 Elkana 44814 Israel   tel/fax + 972 3 9362082
mailto:berlim (at) mail(dot)biu(dot)ac(dot)il

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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