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Re: Itzik's Shabbos Nigun

In a message dated 9/13/01 5:02:44 PM, klezbanjo (at) yahoo(dot)com writes:

<< But as long as I inadvertantly outed it to the list, I
want to tell everyone how moved I was by the shabbos
nign that Itzik had collected from a Romanian shtetl &
taught at KlezKanada-- if you haven't heard, it was
chanted while the entire community walked backwards
from the lake to the shul-- a beautiful ceremony that
emphasized not turning one's back to the sabbath. 
Being a part of a group of 300 or so who recreate this
ceremony at camp is something I'll never forget. >>

Do you know - as long as you've brought this up - that I've not only gone 
around singing this ALL over wherever I am, but I first used it for the Torah 
Dedication that I left Kamp early for, having everyone march and sing while I 
played, plus I taught it at the end of my Slichot concert (I hope this was 
still "kosher" even though it was a Shabbes tune??) And then again at a 
Jewish Home concert the next day. I THEN introduced it at my MHC klezmer band 
as our first tune of the year. I too was incredibly moved by the experience 
of walking backwards to welcome the sabbath and am going to try, at least for 
possibly Shabbat Across America, to gather enough people to walk from a 
nearby creek to the synagogue - without getting hurt...I think it's a 
combination of the tune itself being - and I can't put my finger on it - 
uplifting, plus remembering the spirit of the evening when we must have 
played/sung the tune over 300 times. Unforgettable - and something to hold 
onto in these troubled times for me. 
Itzik, could we possibly have more info on this tune? Or could you write what 
you shared in Canada in case I missed some details?

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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