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Re: new Yiddish radio program

In a message dated 9/7/01 1:23:19 PM, gottesman (at) 
yiddish(dot)forward(dot)com writes:

<< , looking at klezmer bands that have developed in colleges around the 
nation -
Itzik Gottesman >>

If you need to fill any of that very short time that you have you can mention 
the Mount Holyoke College klezmer band with me as director as opposed to many 
that are student run. As an aside, I got it going after I begged the 
administration to do SOMETHING else instead of Flute Choir. The 
administration was happy to "diversify" the campus offerings.  We've had this 
band for about 4 years, of course with personnel that changes each year. 
Mostly non-Jewish students join; they love the newness of the sound for them. 
Anyway, there you have it for what it's worth....
Adrianne Greenbaum

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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