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Winnipeg Klezmer Dance Workshop

Preliminary announcement...

A Klezmer Dance Weekend
Winnipeg, Manitoba
November 23-25, 2001

Featuring Steve Weintraub.

Steve Weintraub is enthusiastically recommended by folks who have attended
the annual KlezKamp and other events at which he has taught.  He has
personally researched the dance material and has an upbeat & humorous
teaching style as well as a commitment to presenting authentic dances.  In
the Midwest people may know him from the highly successful Klezmer Affair
weekend which took place in Madison last year and other events.

Saturday Night Dance Party with Shayla, Kinsey and Friends

Shayla Fink (accordion and vocals) and Kinsey Posen (bass) much sought-after
entertainers who have been
performing at concerts, weddings and bar mitzvahs 20 years.  As members of
the klezmer band Finjan they have performed across Canada and the United
States.  They will form the core of the Saturday night dance band, playing
Jewish wedding music for the dances that will be taught by Steve Weintraub
earlier in the evening.

A Workshop for All Levels

The workshop is designed to introduce people to klezmer dance and to be
accessible for people at all levels.  There will be a Friday evening
introductory session, workshops on Saturday and Sunday and a Saturday night
dance party.  Cost for the workshop will be $60 (Canadian) or $45 (US).  For
more information or to pre-register contact Jeremy at jhull (at) mts(dot)net or 
at ablank16 (at) home(dot)net(dot)

Jeremy Hull
Manitoba International Folk Dance Association

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