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Top Yiddish Films of 2000

Rather amusing.  Forgive me if your tolerance for my humor today has run
its course.  I'm done.

Subject:  Top Yiddish Films of 2000

Oy of the Beholder  - Singles kvetch about their awful dates.

The Seder House Rules - Zaydie lays down the law on Pesach.

Angela's Kashas - Woman reveals secret recipes.

The Six Cents - Three Jews each put in their two-cents' worth.

Snow Falling on Seders - Unexpected storm disrupts Passover.

Supernova - Space scientists discover powerful strain of lox.

Dreydel Will Rock - Chanukah toy comes alive.

Sleepy Hallah - On Friday night, father fills up on bread, dozes off.

Goy Story 2 - Jewish man divorces shiksa, marries another.

Mun on the Moon - Astronauts discover hamantaschen filling on lunar

Stuart Ladle - Mouse makes chicken soup for Shabbos.

The Whole Nine Yids - Struggling shul waits for tenth.

The Green Moyel - Young man performs first circumcision.

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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