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Re: Kaddish fun Levi-Yitzkhok Berditshewer

I have an English translation as follows:

Good morning to You, Lord of the Universe.
I, Levi-Yitzchok, son of sarah, of Berditchev,
have come to You in a lawsuit
On behalf of Your people Israel.
What have You against your people Israel?
And why do you oppress Your people Israel?
No matter what happens, it is:
"Command the Children of Israel!"
No matter what happens, it is:
"Say to the Children of Israel!"
No matter what happens, it is:
"Speak to the Children of Israel!"
Father dear! how many other peoples are there in the world?--
Babylonians, Persians, and Edomites!..
The Germans, what do they say?
"Our Kind is a King!"
The English -- what do they say?
"Our Sovereign is a Sovereign!"
And I, Levi-Yitzchok, son of Sarah, of Berditchev, say:
"Hallowed and magnified by the name of God!"
And I, Levi-Yitzchok, son of Sarah, of Berditchev, say:
"I will not stir from here!
An end there must be to this -- it must all stop!
Hallowed and magnified be the name of God!"

I can't tell you exactly where the translation comes from. Someone gave me 
several copied pages with the song notation (Arranged by Julius Engel, Berlin, 
1923) and its translation.

Hope this is helpful.

Linda Salvay

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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