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Re: Info about the song, Those were the days

This info came to me from someone not on this list.

Hi, Lionel .
Just trying to remember, this song is an old russian/gypsy 
tune, which was performed at the end of XIX century (1870~) at 
many russian resturants employing gypsy groups (read War 
and Peace by Tolstoy). Later, the song has gained popularity 
as a russian traditional melody and song.  But the sound and 
the structure of the song is clearly gypsy. There is a possibility 
that the klezmer groups were using it during Christian weddings 
etc, if there were employed to play for them.

I will try to find some more info. 

David Breytman
Musical Director Sadko Russian Music Ensemble

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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