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Re: Info about the song, Those were the days

In a message dated 8/7/1 2:57:20 PM, goobietheg (at) hotmail(dot)com writes:

<<           I am looking to find any information on the song, THOSE WERE THE 
DAYS. It was recorded by Mary Hopkin in the 1970s. My director is interested 
in using it for a play. Her info. says that it is a Russian song from the 
1800s. My info says that it is actually a Lithuanian song with an older 
Russian melody from the 1920s. The reason why I'm asking people on the List, 
is that I remember when it came out in the 1970s, my Dad, who spoke some 
Lithuanian, Russian and Yiddish said: that's an old Yiddish Music Hall tune!

The Limelighters recorded it long before Mary Hopkin. It was also recorded in 

---------------------- jewish-music (at) shamash(dot)org ---------------------+

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